District Tours

As an elected official, we know that you are always on the go! How can you make the most of your visits to constituents? Plan a day dedicated to the people of your targeted area. There is no way to escape long hours and meeting travel when serving the public, but you can make the most of your time in the area by strategically planning your day.

Give us an idea of what you want and we make it happen! Round table discussions with local leaders? You got it. School visits & classroom appearances? Done. Individual meetings with local business owners? Of course. A personal Tours of the local factory which happens to be the County’s largest employer? Yes please.

Individual Appointment AgendaDD tour1
Round Table County Wide Agendacounty tour
Meet & Greet InvitationMeet & Greet-Rabun County

Valuable Time. Spent Well. 

Does taking the time to tour your district and meet with local leaders really make a difference? Absolutely. People feel connected when you take the extra step to listen to their concerns. You know what is great about meeting the people you serve? If they like you, and they will, chances are greater they will help you with your next grassroots campaign. 


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