

Constituent Letters

Who doesn’t feel special when they are recognized for their accomplishments? One of the most important tasks you have as a legislator is connecting directly to the people you serve.  By tracking local news in your area, we can target those constituents that should hear from you.  If Coach Smith just won the State Championship in football, a letter of recognition from his local official will make the victory that much sweeter.

Do letters make an impact? YES. You’re kind of a big deal… so folks LOVE to see your fancy stationary addressed to them. Below is an email one of our clients received after she sent this couple a “Happy Anniversary” letter. We wrote the words and she received the praise….it’s what we do!

CC letter photo

The praise continues…..another CC Representative received this after sending a congratulatory award letter! 


Sample Constituent Letter

Interest Group Letters

Unfortunately, dialing for dollars and fundraising is a must while on the campaign trail. One way to touch those groups that you have worked closely with on issues is to recognize their hard work. Asking for donations during the next campaign season will be that much easier if the person you are asking knows that you appreciate what they do!

Sample Interest Group Letter


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